God measure the worth of everybody by the respect to His instructions

January 6, 2024

John 14:15
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments

God measures the worth of everybody by the respect to His instructions

God looks at our values relative to our reaction to His instructions.

The Bible is a book of an instructions, go, don’t go, do, do not, everything in the bible is about instructions

Proverbs 13:18. Poverty and shame come to him who refuses instruction and correction, but he who heeds reproof is honored.

I can trace every loss in my life to instructions that I ignored. I can also trace every gain in my life to instructions that I obeyed, Plane clash when the mechanic didn’t follow the instructions.

Sometimes we don’t believe in an instruction
Sometimes we don’t believe in the instructors, sometimes we think we have a better idea but an instruction is a transfer of responsibility

When God is giving you instructions he has said if you do this everything else is my responsibility

If we follow God’s instructions we are never wrong, If we follow God’s instructions and something doesn’t work out it is not our fault it’s God’s fault which is impossible for God to be faulty

An instruction is a transference of responsibility to another person.
An instructions simplify your life

Obedience simplifies your life

I don’t see money as a miracle, some people do. I don’t think there’s anything miraculous about money, men who hate God have money. Men who don’t even believe in the bible have money
Money is simply a reward for solving a problem, when you follow an instruction you create your wealth for yourself.

Your future comfort is determined by whom you trust

Your future comfort is determined by who you are willing to train

Your protection is determined by who you are willing to test

I really believed I had failed in certain instructions I wouldn’t follow.

That which excites you doesn’t necessarily satisfy you

If you fail, you failed for two basic reasons, you didn’t follow instructions
Or you permitted somebody in your life that wouldn’t follow instructions

Oh Lord remind me of any instructions that I have not followed, give me another chance in 2024 to follow

Pro 1:1, 3, 5, 7.

Fools are easy to know by their reaction to the instructions
Sometimes fools appear wise but you can know a fool by their reaction to the instructions

1:29, 31, 33

God’s love has nothing to do with our joy, his love has nothing to do with our success, His love has nothing to do all the prosperity, our obedience to the instructions

It’s not going to be the love of God that preserves me, it is going to be my love for God preserves me

Do you remember Achan’s Sin ? In the book of Joshua 7:19..26
And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me.

The anointing cannot protect you from rebellion, disobedience, the power of God upon your life, your assignment is not a protection against rebellion

How do I know that? The anointing was upon Joshua God has given him the instructions about the battle with Ai he disobeyed the instructions he lost the battle

God’s love is not my protection, my obedience guarantees my protection. God’s love for me doesn’t guarantee my financial prosperity, my obedience to divine laws produces prosperity.

I’ve been shocked the people I love the most often rebel the most . God feel the same way

A man of God was crying to God about the disobedient of his children to an instruction and God answered him and said I faced the same thing with my children and the man said God what will I do ?
God said their ways will correct them, if they ignore your instructions and follow their part , there are going to be some pains that will correct them

The willingness to correct is a proof of caring, you cannot disobey God instructions without a painful experience

When my son sounded disrespectful to his mother I called him inside the room and I told him
If I let you go by with this, it will really hurt you in the future.
Baby I love you, you are my only son, but you cannot disobey me or your mother without a painful experience. Anytime you disobey God there will be a painful experience.

1. The Bible is a book of divine instructions for producing a fruitful and successful life

2. Your reaction to an instruction reveals your character, passion, and trust. God will never give you an instruction you cannot follow

God has not asked us to do something we cannot do

When someone does not follow your instructions, they don’t trust you. God wants you to obey Him to get the blessings

3. An instruction is an invitation to a relationship …
An instruction is what is required for the reward for the relationship
God Explains the requirements of getting into a relationship with Him. Isaiah 1:17..18

Every good thing you are wanting is on the other side of obedience

There are people I stop correcting because I don’t want a future with them because I realize they won’t follow my instructions

That it may go well with thee

Let’s say it together that it may go well with thee

I want God to be excited about me. I have a desperate need for a conversation with God

Every conversation should contain a measurable reward

Conversation is the seed of understanding

God is saying come to my presence, call on me, seek me with your whole heart, reach to me and I will show you all the great and mighty things I will do for you

Reaching is proof of desire and pursuing is proof of possession God wants you to reach, hunger for him and pursue him

4. Every instruction is the seed for change, reward, and promotion. I’m not going to follow an instruction that doesn’t have a benefit and reward
I will not follow instructions that don’t produce promotion
You may say well I don’t follow instructions God keeps blessing me, well that is called the mercy season

I’ve people in my life now that are in their mercy season
When the judgment season begins
Don’t let his mercy season blind you to God’s expectation

You remembered, Ananias and Sapphira

The Bible says if you believe a prophet you will prosper, not “prospering” There is a prophet you choose to disobey

Rebellion to an instruction authorizes God to bring judgment against your life.

Rebellion to instructions remove the protection hedge God has built around your life.

I need instructions because there are so many I don’t know

Why do we need instructions? Because somebody has already been where we want to go.
Why do we need instructions? Because if we don’t get instruction, we’ll be destroyed

Why do we need instructions, because instruction is proof that God cares, God loves us.

God is going to give you an instruction in the coming days

Some instructions are customized and personal just for you alone

Some instructions are universal

God has instructed us as parents to bring the rod of discipline into our homes

God has instructed us to take the gospel to the four corners of the earth

He has instructed us to lay hands on the sick so they could recover and He also instructed us to cast out demons

He has instructed us to come to Him for a relationship
He commanded us to repent if we have sin

He has commanded to worship Him, to reach out

He commanded us to go to the secret place and call upon Him.

You cannot be instructive to God and be destructive by satan.

Giving our lives to Christ is an act of obedience and says we are giving up our sinful ways to follow Him,

If you know you have not received the life of Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour this is a privilege for you to come out, confess your sins, renounce them, repent, and be safe.

I embrace instructions like a dying man who wants to live

I obey, I take, I embrace divine instructions

I cannot survive without divine instructions.



Ask the Holy Spirit to expose every area of disobedience in your life and forgive you.

Every instruction has a different value, every instruction has a different future, every instruction has a different promise, every instruction is connected to different seasons, and when I obey the instructions I change a season forever in my life.

When I walk, I walk with those who obey the voice of God

I’m in companionship with obedience to the voice of God.

I am a receiver of divine instructions

I’m a celebrator of divine instructions

Say it out loud I’m in agreement with every instruction God has given me

I’m in accord with every instruction God has given me

Heavenly Father I received your grace to carry out your instructions for my reward

Dear God, please give me a humble heart to yield to your instructions at all times, so that I can prosper. Help me to obey you and let me be flexible for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Let me follow when you lead, and let me be willing to receive your blessings whenever you are ready to hand them over

Father, I realized that you will perform great wonders for anyone who faithfully serves and obeys your instructions. Therefore, I want to obey you and maintain a good relationship with you. Please help me to shun every form of ungodliness so that I can enjoy you deeply. Let me love and serve you well, and let me qualify to receive your undaunted blessings on earth and in heaven. For in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

Jehovah, please do not let me provoke you to receive punishments. Let me carefully obey your commandments so that I can prosper in the land of the living. For in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

Dear heavenly Father, please make me an obedient child. Let me listen and obey your instructions. Give me the ability to do whatever you ask me to do. Do not let me provoke your judgment with disobedience. Enable me to always be conscious that “you see all things and you will appropriately judge all things – either with blessings or disciplines.” For in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

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Written by:

Pastor Raymond Aghariaha Osakpeme

Raymond Aghariaha Osakpeme is a Nigerian pastor and the founder of Tabernacle of love and mercy bible church and the presiding pastor of Atmosphere for answer and change in , Ponte San Pietro , Via San Clemente, 56, Bergamo, Italy. He is also an author, writer and a wise counselor.


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