November 23, 2023

Numbers 16:13-14
Is it not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also lord it over us? Indeed, you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor have you given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Would you put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up!”

There are people who kill the giver in you

Don’t kill God’s desire to give.

Let me explain there was a young lady who came to our church demonized with a serpent spirit, by the grace of God she got delivered in one of our operations catch the fire night service, a few days later she got a job and needed money to complete her rent and I gave her €100 that was the last day I saw her in this church if not God grace that helped me she was sent to kill and buried the giver in me

There are several people who kill the giver in their reaction, their reaction to gifts their reaction to authority, their reaction to greatness, and their reaction to instructions.

Who kills the giver?

Children if anyone gives you something you must learn to tell your parents to also appreciate them after you must thank them because once is never enough to say thank you to our benefactors.

Don’t hide the good deeds of anybody without celebrating them

Don’t let other people celebrate your benefactors more than the way you do

Killing the giver in people is deadly

Appreciation is a secret healer and ingratitude is a secret killer

It’s deadly to tamper with someone’s giving nature especially God’s giving nature, don’t trifle with it, and don’t place little value on it

Am I doing anything that makes God want to quit giving to me?

Do I respond appropriately when I receive a gift from God and man?

I beseech you my beloved brethren go and awaken the giver in people through phone calls, through messages, tell your benefactors, your contributors, how much you appreciate their gifts, their kind heart

Show Appreciation – It’s God’s Way

Some people used to be a giver until some receivers killed the giver in them

Are you a giver killer or a giver awaker? Do you kill the giver in people by your ungrateful attitude or do you awaken the giver in people by your expressive gratitude?

You must learn how to trigger the giver in people

to ensure that recurring donors feel honored and valued. It helps them understand how much of a difference their contributions make.

Gratitude is good for your health and mood.

Gratitude can help bring lasting happiness, ease depression, reduce overeating, improve sleep, strengthen relationships, and more.

A man who conquered inconsistencies in whatever he does is a master of what he does. Be consistent in showing gratitude to God and your helpers

Consistency is the birthplace of mastery.

If you kill the giver in me you become an enemy

Every man has a right to be generous or ungenerous that’s his decision

Learn how to inspire the giver in God and men

Abraham lied God said he’s my friend, he is my prophet, Ananias lied he was killed so God reacted differently to everybody and there is something you saying and doing that’s creating a reaction. A man’s experience with God determines his message to people

You need some generous men and women in your life.
Lord impress on the heart of people to be generous to me

Holy Spirit would you speak to someone who will listen to you, Holy Spirit speak to someone obedient to be generous to me

Heaven Father move on someone to be generous to me, talk to them about blessing me

Learn a way to talk to God and your giver that they will respond favorably and that is what you need to learn

My ever-generous God gives me three financial dimension relationships that increase the flow of my money in Yeshua’s name

May God incredibly affect the flow of money in your life

May this seed of today create a return for you

I’m not ashamed to nurture the imagination of the harvest of a seed

I see blessings dripping all over your future

Restore health

I decree and declare your words work for us and I asked every single person who hears my voice to give a 6 months testimony of the grace of God, financial favor, of the goodness of God’s Father let it not be only a few talking about testimonies
Family lift up your head high and say Holy Spirit make me a world-class receiver

I can kill the giver in God by rejecting John 1:11..12

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Pastor Raymond Aghariaha Osakpeme

Raymond Aghariaha Osakpeme is a Nigerian pastor and the founder of Tabernacle of love and mercy bible church and the presiding pastor of Atmosphere for answer and change in , Ponte San Pietro , Via San Clemente, 56, Bergamo, Italy. He is also an author, writer and a wise counselor.

1 Comment

  1. Sucess

    Wow , I’m enlighten sir thank you


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